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Metasenta ® is a vital, compact arts research hub which functions internationally between Universities and the wider Arts and Business Communities. It does this by linking, networking and initiating high quality and influential international arts research projects, which have high impact outcomes, in an interdisciplinary context.


The Metasenta Pty. Ltd ® is the umbrella organization for a number of global projects initiated and Directed by Dr Irene Barberis– the Global Centre for Drawing, Metasenta Publications, Metaviews, Metaspace International, The Global Drawing Audit, Project: Global Professor, and as a Co-partner in gallery Langford120.



Initiator & Founding Director: Dr. Irene Barberis

Founding Benefactor: Dr. Po Chung, Po and Helen Chung Foundation


Original website design by: Yara Ismail

Current adaptation by: Heidi Vanzet

© 2014 - 2024 Metasenta Pty Ltd ® 

Founding Director: Dr. Irene Barberis   Founding Benefactor: Mr. Po Chung

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