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Moving Cultures: Intercultural Dialogues


Moving Cultures: Intercultural Dialogues is made possible through Metasenta Projects, currently working out of RMIT University with the support of founding benefactor The Po and Helen Chung Foundation.


Project intent:


Metasenta Founder and Director Dr Irene Barberis of the Western Team and Professor Isadora Jiang of the Eastern Team have designed "Moving Cultures" to be a multi-cultural, cross-disciplinary research and exhibition collective of people, place and processes situated in
the ‘civic space’ of a moving train.

The project is devised through equal academic and organizational input from the Australian and Chinese contingent and is undertaken by invited researchers. Fellow researchers will include interdisciplinary artists, filmmakers, photographers, musicians, poets, writers, linguists, and philosophers from China, Australia, Great Britain and the United States.

"Moving Cultures" raises critical questions about the desire for a Utopian future and the effect of globalizing processes. It also addresses the problematics of critiquing cultural processes while also being implicated by them via the very practices involved.


The artwork and collaborative research that resulted from "Moving Cultures" was exhibited in Lhasa, Tibet and in Guangzhou, China in late July 2009.


In April 2010 the exhibition "Paper Journeys" opened in Richmond, Virginia. In the exhibition the artists involved in the project were invited to produce work based on the Tibetan prayer flag and scrolls. The exhibition was arranged and curated by Amie Oliver who also participated in the Moving Cultures journey.



Moving Cultures Intercultural Dialogue


Prof. Isadora Jiang is leading the Chinese team in a new publication called Moving Cultures intercultural dialogue which should be on the market within the next eight months.

Tibet: Moving Cultures Intercultural Dialogue (Pragmitics of interculturalization) 2010/2011 will draw together scholars and  artists whose experience and scholarship focused on issues on Tibetan culture and contemporary art involvement in the west.



Moving Cultures publication and documentary out late 2010/2011




Archived text and images from original Metasenta website (2008 – 2012)

Original website design by: Yara Ismail

Current adaptation by: Heidi Vanzet

© 2014 - 2024 Metasenta Pty Ltd ® 

Founding Director: Dr. Irene Barberis   Founding Benefactor: Mr. Po Chung

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